Lifestyle Changes

Tips for Recovering from PCI and Surgery

There are procedures that physicians follow before and after performing a PCI or surgical procedure. The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society is studying ways to help people recover more quickly. 

A study reported by CommonHealth indicated that doctors whose patients follow the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery guidelines (ERAS) have a 90% decrease in heart-related complications and 66% fewer infections at the incision site. Decreased rates of complications were accompanied by shorter hospital stays: on average, patients went home from the hospital two days earlier than expected.

Tips to Improve Recovery

Below are some tips from ERAS that may help make your recovery from surgery easier.


Drink clear liquids up to two hours before surgery to help keep your body hydrated. If you are hydrated, your body will not require as much fluid during surgery. This will reduce the chance of infection and put less stress on your heart. Note, what you drink is important. Clear liquids are removed from the body quickly, so you don't have to be concerned with vomiting or choking during the procedure.


Use pain relievers sparingly. Pain relievers depress pain centers and the nervous system. Minimal use of pain relievers will help you recover more quickly.


In consultation with your medical team, get up and move as soon as possible because movement increases blood flow, which can prevent the accumulation of fluid in your body and stimulate healing. Movement also helps maintain muscle tone and helps reduce the loss of muscle strength during recovery.

Chew gum, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tracts and helps prepare your stomach to receive and process food.

These tips may help you recover quicker from surgery. Before surgery, talk to your doctor or cardiologist about these tips and any concerns you may have.

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